Introduction to World of Warcraft Battlegrounds and the PvP Honor System
The Honor System in World of Warcraft (WoW) and how battlegrounds are designated PvP (Player vs. Player) zones where players from the Alliance and Horde factions compete in objective-based matches. Each battleground has unique objectives and layouts:
- Warsong Gulch: Capture the flag.
- Arathi Basin: Control resource nodes.
- Alterac Valley: Large-scale warfare with NPCs, towers, and bosses.
Players earn Honor Points and rewards by participating in these battles, contributing to their overall PvP progression.
PvP Honor System
The PvP Honor System in WoW is a ranking system where players earn Honor Points and Contribution Points through PvP activities such as:
- Honorable Kills (HKs): Defeating enemy players.
- Battleground Objectives: Completing specific tasks in battlegrounds.
Honor Points determine a player’s PvP rank, which ranges from Rank 1 (Private/Scout) to Rank 14 (Grand Marshal/High Warlord). Higher ranks unlock exclusive rewards, including powerful gear and titles. Weekly standings reset every Tuesday, with players competing to maintain or improve their rank based on their performance relative to others on their faction.
This system fosters competitive PvP gameplay, encouraging players to participate in battlegrounds and world PvP to achieve higher ranks and earn prestigious rewards.
Vanilla WoW 1.12.1 Honor System Guide: Earn Ranks & Contribution Points
Variables on the Honor Tab (Press H ingame)

- HK (Honorable Kills): Number of Honorable Kills you have made.
- DK (Dishonorable Kills): Number of Dishonorable Kills you have made.
- CP (Contribution Points): Number of Contribution Points earned in a week.
- WS (Weekly Standing): Your CP standing relative to other players on your faction for the week.
- NR (Number of Ranked players): Total ranked players in your faction for the week. Highest WS value awarded.
- RP (Rank Points): Total Rank Points earned over all weeks.
- HS (Honor Standing): Your RP standing relative to other players in your faction overall.
- Rank (0-14): Your PvP Rank determining your PvP Title.
- BHU (Bonus Honor Unit): Base amount of bonus CP earned for objectives in battlegrounds. Each objective is worth 1 or more BHUs.
Note: Rank determines what equipment you can purchase at PvP faction vendors.
Contribution Points
Contribution Points (CP) are crucial for determining your standing and rank in the PvP system. Each week, your CP total resets, and you must earn CP anew through honorable kills (HKs) and completing battleground objectives.
CP Calculation
- Honorable Kills (HKs): You earn more CP for killing higher-ranked players. The CP awarded per HK is divided among all groups that damaged the killed player, and is subject to diminishing returns.
- Battleground Objectives: Completing objectives in battlegrounds also grants CP. The amount varies based on the battleground and the player’s level.
Diminishing Returns for HKs
Within a 24-hour period, CP earned from killing the same player decreases with each successive kill:
- 100% CP for the first kill
- 90% CP for the second kill
- 80% CP for the third kill
- 70% CP for the fourth kill
- 60% CP for the fifth kill
- 50% CP for the sixth kill
- 40% CP for the seventh kill
- 30% CP for the eighth kill
- 20% CP for the ninth kill
- 10% CP for the tenth kill
- 0% CP for the eleventh and subsequent kills
Battleground Contribution Points (BHU)
In battlegrounds, you earn CP based on the objectives completed:
Battleground Level Range | BHU | CP |
10-19 | 24 | 12% |
20-29 | 41 | 21% |
30-39 | 68 | 34% |
40-49 | 113 | 57% |
50-59 | 189 | 95% |
51-60 | 198 | 100% |
60 | 198 | 100% |
Objectives such as capturing flags, destroying towers, and killing NPCs grant BHUs which convert to CP.
CP Reset
- CP score is calculated and reset to 0 at weekly server maintenance.
- Wednesday: (around 04:30 CEST, UTC+2)
CP for Honorable Kills
- More honor is earned for killing higher-ranked players.
- In Patch 1.8.0, CP values were raised.
Rank | Alliance Title | Horde Title | CP for Kill (pre-1.8) | CP for Kill (1.8+) |
1 | Private | Scout | 166 | 198 |
2 | Corporal | Grunt | 175 | 210 |
3 | Sergeant | Sergeant | 185 | 221 |
4 | Master Sergeant | Senior Sergeant | 195 | 233 |
5 | Sergeant Major | First Sergeant | 205 | 246 |
6 | Knight | Stone Guard | 217 | 260 |
7 | Knight-Lieutenant | Blood Guard | 229 | 274 |
8 | Knight-Captain | Legionnaire | 241 | 289 |
9 | Knight-Champion | Centurion | 254 | 305 |
10 | Lieutenant Commander | Champion | 268 | 321 |
11 | Commander | Lieutenant General | 283 | 339 |
12 | Marshal | General | 298 | 357 |
13 | Field Marshal | Warlord | 315 | 377 |
14 | Grand Marshal | High Warlord | 332 | 398 |
- CP per HK is divided among all groups that damaged the killed player.
- CP per HK is subject to diminishing returns within 24 hours for a given player:
- 1st kill: 100% CP
- 2nd kill: 90% CP
- 3rd kill: 80% CP
- 4th kill: 70% CP
- 5th kill: 60% CP
- 6th kill: 50% CP
- 7th kill: 40% CP
- 8th kill: 30% CP
- 9th kill: 20% CP
- 10th kill: 10% CP
- 11th and subsequent kills: 0 CP
- Contrary to Blizzard’s statements, a group or raid bonus exists when the group is 3 or more players.
- DKs immediately lower RP, not CP.
- Daily earned CPs can be viewed under the honor tab the next day.
Estimated Honor Points
- Estimated honor earnings per kill can be viewed in your Combat message window.
- Example: “Soandso dies, honorable kill Rank: Senior Sergeant (Estimated Honor Points: 38)”
- This number does not account for diminishing returns.
CP from Battlegrounds
- CP rewards scale down for players under level 60.
- BHUs are determined by CP awarded to the highest level in the range for a Rank 1 target kill.
Level Range | BHU | Relative Percent |
10-19 | 24 | 12% |
20-29 | 41 | 21% |
30-39 | 68 | 34% |
40-49 | 113 | 57% |
50-59 | 189 | 95% |
AV 51-60 | 198 | 100% |
60 | 198 | 100% |
- Bonus honor for objectives is awarded immediately.
- Entering a battleground late means missing pre-arrival bonus honor.
- Leaving early keeps bonuses received but forfeits end-of-match bonuses.
- If a game ends due to lack of players, the outnumbering team wins when the timer expires.
Alterac Valley
- Each side has 1 General: Killing the General wins the match.
- If the game ends prematurely due to lack of players, the General of the outnumbered team is killed when the timer expires.
- Each side has 1 Captain, 4 Commanders, and 6 Lieutenants giving bonus honor when killed.
- Each side has 4 Towers or Bunkers giving bonus honor when destroyed.
- Each side has 3 Wing Commanders that can be rescued for bonus honor.
Qty | Bonus Objective | BHU Value | Level Range 51-60 |
11 | Killing enemy Lieutenant/Commander/Captain | 1 | 198 |
4 | Destroying enemy Tower/Bunker | 1 | 198 |
3 | Rescuing friendly Wing Commander | 1 | 198 |
1 | Summoning Ivus/Lokholar | 1 | 198 |
4 | Controlling friendly Tower/Bunker at end of match | 1 | 198 |
1 | Friendly Captain survived until end of match | 1 | 198 |
10 | Friendly Lieutenant/Commander survived until end of match | 0 | 0 |
7 | Controlling graveyard at end of match | 0 | 0 |
1 | Killing enemy General | 4 | 792 |
1 | Winning the match | 1 | 198 |
1 | Extra for winning the holiday match | 2 | 396 |
1 | Extra for completing holiday match (win or loss) | 8 | 1584 |
Arathi Basin
- Bonus honor for collecting resources: Normal days at multiples of 330, Holiday weekends at multiples of 200.
- Additional bonus honor for winning the match.
- If a game ends due to lack of players, the outnumbering team wins when the timer expires.
Bonus Objective | BHU Value | Level Range |
Every 330 resources, non-holiday | 1 | 20-29 41, 30-39 68, 40-49 113, 50-59 189, 60 198 |
Winning the match, non-holiday | 1 | 20-29 41, 30-39 68, 40-49 113, 50-59 189, 60 198 |
Every 200 resources, holiday | 1 | 20-29 41, 30-39 68, 40-49 113, 50-59 189, 60 198 |
Winning the match, holiday | 1 | 20-29 41, 30-39 68, 40-49 113, 50-59 189, 60 198 |
Warsong Gulch
- 2 BHU for each flag captured.
- 1 BHU for winning the match.
- Additional 3 BHU for completing a holiday match (win or lose).
- Additional 2 BHU for winning a holiday match.
- If a game ends due to lack of players, the outnumbering team wins when the timer expires.
Bonus Objective | BHU Value | Level Range |
Every flag captured | 2 | 10-19 48, 20-29 82, 30-39 136, 40-49 226, 50-59 378, 60 396 |
Winning the match | 1 | 10-19 24, 20-29 41, 30-39 68, 40-49 113, 50-59 189, 60 198 |
Extra for completing a holiday match | 3 | 10-19 72, 20-29 123, 30-39 204, 40-49 339, 50-59 567, 60 594 |
Extra for winning a holiday match | 2 | 10-19 48, 20-29 82, 30-39 136, 40-49 226, 50-59 378, 60 396 |
Battleground Quests & Marks
- Marks are awarded at the end of matches: 3 for winning, 1 for losing, none if you quit early.
- Turning in the quest for 3 Marks from each battleground awards an additional 2388 CPs.
- Turning in a quest for 3 Marks from a single battleground awards CP based on level.
Level Range | CP |
10-19 | 50 |
20-29 | 82 |
30-39 | 138 |
40-49 | 228 |
50-59 | 378 |
51-60 | 398 |
60 | 398 |
Weekly Standings
- WS is calculated every week during Wednesday Morning Reboot at 04:30
- The highest CP scorer has WS of 1, the next highest WS of 2, and so on.
- CP score is relative to other players on your server/faction.
- Players with less than 15 HKs in a week are not included in the standings.
- There is a cut-off based on the total HKs made by all faction players. Those below this cut-off are not included in calculations but can attain or keep Rank 1.
Private Server Differences
It’s important to note that the formulas and calculations in the PvP Honor System may not be entirely accurate or reliable on private servers compared to the official 1.12.1 version from 2006. Here are a few reasons why:
- Private Server Mechanics: Private servers often modify game mechanics slightly, which can affect how CP is calculated.
- Bug Fixes and Adjustments: Some private servers may implement bug fixes or adjustments that alter the original mechanics from 1.12.1.
- Custom Balancing: To ensure balanced and enjoyable gameplay, private servers might tweak CP calculations and battleground rewards.
Despite these differences, the core mechanics of earning CP and progressing through ranks remain similar, maintaining the fun and competitive nature of PvP.
Enjoy the Game
While precise point calculations might vary, the essence of earning honor, climbing ranks, while enjoying PvP remains unchanged. Focus on the thrill of battles, strategic gameplay, and the camaraderie with fellow players as you strive for higher ranks and rewards.
We hope this guide helped you understand the complex Honor System on our Vanilla WoW 1.12.1 realm / private server. Most of the information here was obtained from Vanilla WoW Fandom Wiki their article dives even deeper into calculating honor and contribution points. (you guys rock!)
Happy PvPing!