
Twinking at level 19 has become a popular strategy among World of Warcraft players, particularly for competing in the Warsong Gulch battleground. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the different aspects of twinking to help you excel in the level 19 PvP bracket.

Race Selection

Base Stats

Choosing the right race is essential for maximizing your character’s potential. Below are the base stats for each race:

Alliance Races

Night Elf2551363032

Horde Races

Blood Elf*2548353431

*Draenei and Blood Elf races were added in the Burning Crusade expansion but are included here for completeness.

Racial Abilities

Each race has unique abilities that can give you an edge in PvP. Here are the notable abilities for each race:

  • Dwarf
    • Stoneform: Grants immunity to poison, disease, and bleed effects, plus a +10% Armor boost for 8 seconds.
    • Gun Specialization: +1% chance to critically hit with guns.
    • Frost Resistance: 2% reduced chance to be hit by frost spells.
    • Find Treasure: Detect treasure chests on the mini-map.
  • Gnome
    • Escape Artist: Escapes any immobilization or movement speed reduction effects (1 min, 45 sec cooldown).
    • Expansive Mind: +5% Intellect.
    • Arcane Resistance: 2% reduced chance to be hit by arcane spells.
    • Engineering Specialist: +15 to Engineering skill (max 165).
  • Human
    • Every Man for Himself: Removes all movement impairing effects and effects causing loss of control (2 min cooldown).
    • Perception: Increases Stealth detection passively.
    • Diplomacy: +10% reputation gains.
    • The Human Spirit: +3% Spirit.
    • Mace/Sword Specialization: +3 expertise with maces and swords.
  • Night Elf
    • Shadowmeld: Reduces the chance of being detected by enemies until canceled (2 min cooldown).
    • Quickness: 2% reduced chance to be hit by melee and ranged attacks.
    • Wisp Spirit: 50% increased speed as a wisp upon death.
    • Nature Resistance: 2% reduced chance to be hit by nature spells.
  • Draenei
    • Gift of the Naaru: Heals 170 damage over 15 seconds, scaling with the caster’s power.
    • Heroic Presence: +1% chance to hit with spells and attacks for party members within 30 yards.
    • Shadow Resistance: 2% reduced chance to be hit by shadow spells.
    • Gemcutting: +5 to Jewelcrafting skill (max 155).
  • Orc
    • Blood Fury: Increases attack power and spell damage/healing based on class/level for 15 seconds, reduces healing by 50% (2 min cooldown).
    • Hardiness: +15% resistance to stun effects.
    • Command: +5% damage by Hunter and Warlock pets.
    • Axe Specialization: +5 expertise with axes.
  • Tauren
    • War Stomp: Stuns up to 5 enemies within 8 yards for 2 seconds (2 min cooldown).
    • Endurance: +5% health increase (base stats only).
    • Nature Resistance: 2% reduced chance to be hit by nature spells.
    • Cultivation: +15 to Herbalism skill (max 165).
  • Troll
    • Berserking: Increases attack and casting speed by 10-30% depending on health (3 min cooldown).
    • Regeneration: +10% health regeneration and 10% normal regen during combat.
    • Beast Slaying: +5% damage to Beasts.
    • Throwing/Bow Specialization: +1% critical strike chance with throwing weapons/bows.
    • Da Voodoo Shuffle: 15% reduction in movement impairing effects.
  • Undead
    • Will of the Forsaken: Removes charm, fear, and sleep effects (2 min cooldown).
    • Cannibalize: Regenerates 7% total health every 2 seconds for 10 seconds while near a humanoid or undead corpse.
    • Underwater Breathing: 233% longer underwater breathing.
    • Shadow Resistance: 2% reduced chance to be hit by shadow spells.
  • Blood Elf
    • Arcane Torrent: Silences enemies within 8 yards for 2 seconds, restores 15 energy/runic power or 6% mana (2 min cooldown).
    • Arcane Affinity: +10 to Enchanting skill.
    • Magic Resistance: 2% reduced chance to be hit by spells.

Class Selection

Selecting a class that complements your chosen race and playstyle is crucial. Below are the key characteristics of each class at level 19:

  • Druid
    • Strengths: Exceptional flag carrier with Bear Form’s armor boost and crowd control resistance. Good healing abilities.
    • Weaknesses: Limited offensive capabilities compared to other classes.
  • Hunter
    • Strengths: High survivability with pets and ranged attacks, strong crowd control with Wing Clip and Concussive Shot.
    • Weaknesses: Vulnerable to melee classes if caught.
  • Mage
    • Strengths: Effective crowd control with Frost Nova and Polymorph, high burst damage.
    • Weaknesses: Low survivability, reliant on maneuverability and quick healing.
  • Paladin
    • Strengths: Strong healer and decent flag runner with defensive buffs.
    • Weaknesses: Limited offensive options and mobility.
  • Priest
    • Strengths: Best healer at this level, with high survivability due to Power Word: Shield and Psychic Scream.
    • Weaknesses: Low damage output.
  • Rogue
    • Strengths: High burst damage, effective stealth and mobility with Sprint.
    • Weaknesses: Lacks defensive abilities like Vanish.
  • Shaman
    • Strengths: Powerful burst damage, crowd control, and improved mobility with Ghost Wolf.
    • Weaknesses: Limited healing and durability.
  • Warlock
    • Strengths: Strong damage over time (DoT) effects and crowd control with Fear, resilient against single targets.
    • Weaknesses: Vulnerable to burst damage, requires skillful play to maximize effectiveness.
  • Warrior
    • Strengths: High armor and durability, strong against hunters with Disarm.
    • Weaknesses: Limited mobility and crowd control.


First Aid: Train to Expert First Aid at level 10 for [Heavy Runecloth Bandage], the best bandage for a level 19 twink.

Fishing: Max out your fishing skill to participate in the Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza and acquire the [Lucky Fishing Hat], a top-tier item for this bracket.

Cooking: Provides beneficial buffs from food items.

Engineering: Essential for [Green Tinted Goggles], dynamite, bombs, bullets, and [Minor Recombobulator].

Jewelcrafting: Primarily for the [Heavy Stone Statue], useful for healing in combat.

Alchemy: Access to [Swiftness Potion], [Healing Potion], and other beneficial elixirs.

Herbalism: Provides Lifeblood, a heal-over-time ability.

Mining: Grants the Toughness passive ability, increasing health by +70.

Skinning: Offers Master of Anatomy, enhancing critical strike rating by +9.


To optimize your twink, focus on acquiring the following key gear and stats:

  • Green Tinted Goggles: Crafted through Engineering.
  • Spidersilk Boots: High agility and stamina.
  • Stained Shadowcraft Tunic: Strong base stats for rogues and hunters.
  • Serpent’s Shoulders: Drop from Foe Reaper 4000 in Deadmines.
  • Twisted Chanter’s Staff: High intellect and spell power for casters.


  • Bracer: Minor Stamina (+1 Stamina)
  • Cloak: Minor Agility (+1 Agility)
  • Weapon: Crusader (Chance to heal for 75 and increase Strength by 100)
  • Gloves: Minor Haste (+10 Haste Rating)
  • Boots: Minor Speed (Increases run speed by 8%)


Flag Carrying

For successful flag carrying in Warsong Gulch:

  • Utilize speed potions and swiftness boosts.
  • Communicate with your team for protection and heals.
  • Use the terrain to your advantage, avoiding high-traffic areas.

DPS Roles

Maximize your damage output by:

  • Coordinating attacks with your team.
  • Targeting enemy healers and squishy targets.
  • Utilizing crowd control abilities.

Healing Roles

Ensure your team’s survivability by:

  • Prioritizing heals on flag carriers and DPS.
  • Dispelling harmful effects promptly.
  • Staying aware of your surroundings to avoid being targeted.

Now go dominate the battlegrounds

Twinking at level 19 is a dynamic and exciting aspect of Vanilla WoW’s PvP system. With the right preparation and strategy, you can dominate the battlegrounds and enjoy a unique gameplay experience. Remember, communication and teamwork are key to success in any PvP environment.

This comprehensive guide will help you optimize your Level 19 Twink character for competitive PvP in Vanilla WoW’s pre-Burning Crusade setting. Enjoy your journey to becoming a formidable presence in the battlegrounds!


This guide was adapted from information found on the Vanilla WoW Archive Fandom page.